Inspiring trust and certainty with a sustainable, unified approach - to build a better Australia. 

Rework and post-completion defects costs Australia billions each year and CQA will help members reduce that cost.

About Us

 Why was CQA created?

Construction Quality Australia was created to inspire trust and certainty with a sustainable, unified approach - to build a better Australia. We will achieve this through training, education, knowledge sharing and standardised templates.

The Issue

The Australian construction industry currently wastes over 50 billion dollars a year. With companies working off a 2-3% margin the risk is huge and this not sustainable.

CQA Solution

Corporate members of CQA help their staff keep up to date with industry news, gain technical competency, obtain standard templates and expert advice - to improve construction productivity and quality by reducing the impact of errors.

Desired Result

To have a working culture that gets it right from the start in Australia, and engages all stakeholders in reducing the need for rework from start to finish.

Our Board

Companies Leading The Change

Benefits of being a CQA Member

Access to training & education
  • Members only workshops
  • Cutting edge training
  • Members only newsletter
  • Q&A with board members
Opportunity to share knowledge
  • Opportunity to set the direction for Quality in Australia 
  • Opportunity to influence industry-wide training and research to reduce error
  • Opportunity to shape solutions with industry leaders
Develop your staff
  • Make sure your staff know how to manage quality
  • Share strategies to manage error and plan for success
  • Share articles and reports on best practices
  • Share networks and connections to grow your own
Apply to join
  • Download our flyer today to learn more about CQA
  • Apply to become a member today
  • Start increasing your profits
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“We support the CQA because it is the only industry association with a plan to address the challenges that the construction industry faces. It gives us a voice at the table and a chance to shape the industry, drive standardisation, and gain valuable knowledge for our teams.”

Jerome Harris

General Manager Quality

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